

Why You Need an Eye Exam 778 436 Dr. Yvonne

Why You Need an Eye Exam

When was your last eye exam? In this video, you…

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Coronavirus and How Your Eyes Play a Role in its Spread
Coronavirus: How eyes may play a role in its spread 1024 682 Dr. Yvonne

Coronavirus: How eyes may play a role in its spread

Our eyes might play an important role in the spread…

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Protect Your Eyes During Winter
Don’t Forget Your Shades this Winter 640 426 Dr. Yvonne

Don’t Forget Your Shades this Winter

Most of us associate sunglasses with warm weather, hanging out…

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Flexible Medical Savings Account
Spend Your FSA Funds Before They Expire 640 426 Dr. Yvonne

Spend Your FSA Funds Before They Expire

Most December shopping lists are filled with holiday gift ideas.…

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User your HSA before time runs out
It’s Use It or Lose It Time with Vision Plans 839 600 Dr. Yvonne

It’s Use It or Lose It Time with Vision Plans

Before turning your thoughts to Thanksgiving and the Holidays, there’s…

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Children Sport Vision
Sports & Vision 640 426 Dr. Yvonne

Sports & Vision

Outdoor games and sports are an enjoyable and important part…

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